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Labor Market Explorer for Students - 2019
Data and Analysis
Use the dropdown menus in the boxes to filter by major, degree, occupation, region, and automation risk, and use the slide bar to filter by minimum and maximum median wage. Search for a term in the Search box. Use the Copy, Excel and Print buttons to export the current table view.
See the UT Dallas Pipeline to view student enrollment by future occupation.
- Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication; Business Analytics; and Energy Management are matched with a custom list of occupations.
- Healthcare Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies have CIP [Classification of Instructional Programs] codes that do not match to any SOC [Standard Occupational Classification] codes at this time.
- Some occupations were recategorized by the Bureau of Labor Statistics during the period of 2010 to 2019. We are working on matching them together.
- This tool includes employment data for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan area, Texas, and the United States; employment data for other regions are available upon request.
- The University of Texas at Dallas Academics Majors and Degrees
- National Center for Education Statistics CIP 2020 to SOC 2018 Crosswalk (XLSX [Office Open XML Workbook] )
- Emsi (2021)
Economic Development Partnership Guide (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )
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