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UT Dallas

UT Dallas

Economic Development Update

February 8, 2023

DFW’s labor market appeared to cool down in the end of 2022, with only 2,100 new jobs added in December amongst a decline in job postings for key occupations like software developers which saw a nearly 20% decrease from the previous month. To learn more about these trends read this month’s DFW Labor Market Update.

DFW Labor Market Update. A programmer in front of a monitor. Photo Credit: Jefferson Santos on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/photos/9SoCnyQmkzI]
UT Dallas News Center. Construction cranes. Photo Credit: Feng Sun on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/photos/5AmT_FPF5Jo]

A federal spending package passed by Congress and signed into law in December will boost a number of infrastructure projects at The University of Texas at Dallas. The Consolidation Appropriations Act has secured funding for a wide range of projects covering everything from semiconductor workforce development to the creation of an intermodal transit hub at the DART Silver Line station located on-campus. Read more about this exciting announcement at the UT Dallas News Center.

We are happy to fulfill customized data requests for our North Texas economic development partners and to connect your organization with resources and contacts at UT Dallas that could lead to mutual economic development partnerships.

Please reach out to economicengine@utdallas.edu to learn how your organization can partner with UT Dallas.

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The University of Texas at Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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