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UT Dallas

UT Dallas

Economic Development Update

May 10, 2023

A nurse. Photo Credit: SJ Objio on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/photos/8hHxO3iYuU0]

Despite the news of layoffs and potential economic downturn, the March labor market for DFW points to continued, if subdued growth, as employment and job postings continue to rise from the previous month. Also on the rise is the consumer price index for the Metroplex, which saw a 1.33% increase from the last observation in January. To learn more about these trends read this month’s edition of our Labor Market Update.

The Harry W. Bass Jr. Foundation has made an extraordinary $40 million gift to UT Dallas that will benefit our University for generations. As a result of this gift, the School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology (AHT) will now be known as the Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology. Read more about this exciting new development in our News Center.

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
The Texas State Capital dome. Photo Credit: Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/photos/nnXteluHFhY]

A popular economic incentive that expired late last year is under review, as lawmakers this month debate HB 5 – a bill that would allow school districts to grant property tax abatements to businesses in exchange for payments and pledges to create high paying jobs in the area. To learn more about Chapter 403 and how it differs from its predecessor, follow the story in the Dallas Business Journal.

We are happy to fulfill customized data requests for our North Texas economic development partners and to connect your organization with resources and contacts at UT Dallas that could lead to mutual economic development partnerships.

Please reach out to economicengine@utdallas.edu to learn how your organization can partner with UT Dallas.

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The University of Texas at Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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