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UT Dallas

UT Dallas

Economic Development Update

January 25, 2023

In this edition of The Connection, we will explore some of the most reputable data sources used by local economic developers to learn more about their communities and plan for future trends.

The Connection. A map from the North Central Texas Council of Governments Regional Data Center.
The Dallas College logo.

The Research Institute at Dallas College and Texas Schools Project at UT Dallas have partnered up to conduct research on students’ education-to-workforce pathways and how institutions can support equitable, high returns on investing in a college education. Read more about this groundbreaking regional collaboration on the Dallas College news center.

A trio of volunteers at a welcome table make the sign of the iconic UT Dallas “Whoosh!”

This week the Office of Facilities and Economic Development held our biannual Weeks of Welcome event for new and returning Comets for the Spring 2023 semester.

We are happy to fulfill customized data requests for our North Texas economic development partners and to connect your organization with resources and contacts at UT Dallas that could lead to mutual economic development partnerships.

Please reach out to economicengine@utdallas.edu to learn how your organization can partner with UT Dallas.

An Economic Engine for the Region

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The University of Texas at Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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